Mark Alan Andre

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Sunrise Blooms

Spring is back in the air and the warmth is bringing out the Cherry Blossoms early this year. Even though the peak bloom is still a few days away, the Tidal Basin is out in rare form.

With the news out recently that the National park service is going to be rebuilding the sea wall along the south side of the tidal basin over the next three years, this promises to be the last year with certain views free of equipment.

This morning’s sunrise was a unique one. With the high clouds far off behind the Jefferson Memorial and low clouds moving in from the northwest, we were treated to two different “sunrises.” The first, above when the beautiful tones hit the far-off clouds. Second, just as the sun broke the horizon, the low clouds caught a wonderful glow.

While the trees lining the tidal basin still have a few days to go before they hit peak bloom, the trees around the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial are nearly fully at peak. The wonderful tones of the morning light on the sculpture compliment the colors of the trees perfectly.